Friday, January 15, 2010

Prayer Request

I would like to ask you all to be praying for my dad. He is not doing well at all right now. He can't walk, his eyes aren't functioning correctly and the doctors found out after his most recent MRI that he has a 5th lesion on his spine. He's miserable right now and I feel really bad for him. It's hard to see him like this, so if you could all pray that the Lord will take away these tiring symptoms from him and heal him, that would be wonderful. Thank you all!

Also, if you tagged/awarded me while I was gone, could you please comment on this post with the url to the page where you tagged/awarded me? Thank you! That will make it much easier on me. ;)

~Eldarwen Failariel~

14 Greetings from Elven Friends

Marissa said...

I will be praying for him, Eldarwen. It's hard to see someone you love go through that :( Know that God is in control even when its hard to believe :)

Katie said...

I'm praying! Remember, God has plans to give us all a hope and a future! It's all going to be okay.

Izori said...

Oh, Eldarwen, I'm really sorry! I'll pray like crazy for your dad!

☪Dream said...

I am praying for him! I hope he feels better soon! :(

Anonymous said...

Oh man...I will pray for him and your family!

God Bless You And Your Family,

Emma said...

Of course, Eldarwen. If you would, the past 2 posts on my blog have been about prayer requests too. Could you check them out if it's not too much trouble? thanks!
Tell your dad that everyone is thinking about him and is praying for him!

Lindsay said...

I'm praying, Eldarwen!!

Eldarwen said...

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragment! It means a lot to me! :)

Of course, I'll check it out. :)

In Christ,

Hayley said...

I will pray for him and be thinking of you guys.

Eldarwen said...

Thank you, Glow Fish! :)

Anonymous said...

I will be praying hard for him. Very hard. ((hugs)) I know how it feels. Stay strong.

Haley said...

I'll be praying!

Chloƫ said...

I am praying for you and your family Eldarwen!


Eldarwen said...

Thank you so much for the prayer, Olive, Haley and Chloe! :)
