I just finished watching the sorta-kinda-newish Disney-Pixar movie: UP. :) It was such a sweet and heart warming movie (yes, I cried!). My friends and I were discussing movies the other day and one of them started talking about UP. I asked if it was any good and he said he thought it was and so did his brother. Plus, my other friend said it was good, too, so I had made up my mind right then that I wanted to see the movie. Though, one of my friends' brother spoiled it for me because he started telling me all about it (from beginning to end). It's okay, though, he did warn me first. I listened, but then decided I didn't want to know, so I plugged my ears. :) Anyway, I just thought I'd tell all of you who were wondering that UP is a very good movie! I didn't think I would like it, just because in the beginning it seemed kinda silly. A man who lets balloons out of his chimney and "flies" to South America? Ridiculous, right? But, when you throw in Russel (the cute little boy scout who got stuck on the porch of the "balloon flying house") it made the movie adorably cute and fun! So, if you wanna see the movie, you should. My friends were asking me why I hadn't seen it in the movies already and here was my answer:
"What? Just so I can pay $5.00 to sit down and watch a movie that's going to be on DVD in 2 months, while some kids kicks the back of my seat and a grown man sits on the front row talking on his cell phone the whole time, to then realize I'm sitting next to a week old coke bottle and popcorn? I don't think so."
A quick and witty answer huh? *giggles* LOL =D Anyway, it was so worth the $2.00 to rent it from the movie place for two days. :)
Also, I'm going to be gone all week long at a friend's house, so, I'm sorry, I won't get to post on my new, beautifully restored blog. *sniff* I will miss you all and I look forward to reading TONS and TONS of comments when I get back. ;)
So, here's some questions to get you started [leaving comments]:
Have you seen the UP movie?
What was your favorite part?
Did you like it?
What did you think of it?
Thanks! Love and miss y'all already (and I'm not even gone, yet) lol =D
~Eldarwen Failariel~
19 Greetings from Elven Friends
My favorite part is toward the end, where Russell and Carl are eating ice cream and counting red and blue cars.
Yeah, that part was cute. :) One of my favorite parts was when the squeaky voiced dog said, "Squirrel!" and froze. That was funny! =D
Yes, I have seen the UP movie. My favorite part was the credits. You know, the credits, but on the sides it's like a new scrapbook that Carl and Russel put together. I also like the part where you see Kevin's babies. They're so cute! Yes, I liked this movie! =D
I love Up! The other day my neighbor(named Russel) came over and all my siblings were saying "Hi, my name is Russel. And I am a Wilderness Explorer..."
My favorite part is probably when the 3 dogs(Alpha, Beta, and Gamma) are looking for the bird and either Beta or Gamma says "Chocolate. I smell chocolate!" Then the other says"I smell prune juice and denchure cream!"
In Christ,
Their scrapbook was so cute! I love the picture with Dug chasing the squirrel. ^_^
That's so funny! Yeah, that part was a good one, too. :)
Have you seen the UP movie? Yep.
What was your favorite part? Anything involving Kevin :D
Did you like it? Yes!
What did you think of it? It is the best kids' movie ever.
I've never seen Up before, but it sounds really cute! :) I love your new blog design!
I love the part where Russel says, "Kevin's a girl?" and glares at her dumbfounded. That cracked me up!
Oh, it's so good! :) You really should see it. It's not bad at all, just sad.
Sure, I can do the Discussions Abound thing :)
Great! I'll put up a poll right now. :)
EeeeeeK! I LOVE UP! Thanks for your comment. I love you new look.
~Miss Grace~
I did see it in the theaters but that was only because my grandparents wanted to take us to a movie. We saw it in 3D and it was really neat. I do agree about just waiting till it comes out on DVD. There are 9 people in our family and it cost about 100 dollars to see a movie...that we can buy (and watch on our projector) for only 5-30 dollars.
Anyway, here are my answers to you questions about UP.
Yep, I've seen it. (bet you couldn't guess);)
I saw it back in May so I don't really remember what my favorite part was.
Yes I did like it. But Pixar usually does a good job.
I thought that funny, cute and really my whole family enjoyed it. The little guys in my family don't like the "scary" parts in movies but weren't phased by anything in up. And the big bird (was Kevin her name?) was something else. ;)
One of the best movies EVER!
I love it when Mr. Fredrickson meets Russel! It's such a good movie! Now maybe you'll understand why I put the caption 'Squirrel!" under that picture of an angry orc running! I love Dug! My best friend loves Kevin!
Hey Eldarwen!
We own the Up movie and I love it!!
I love all the scenes with Russel, he is my favorite character and he's so cute!
A lot of the movies that are coming out now for kids aren't really "kid friendly" ( do you know what I mean?) but they did a great job on making Up! I think its a great movie for the whole family! :)
I love love love your new blog look!
I hope you are having a wonderful time at your friend's house! :)
I've seen up twice now, once in theaters, and then my brother gave the family a bunch of movies for Christmas-- "UP" included, and we watched it that night.
My favorite part? That's hard to say, but I like Dug a lot. "I was hiding under your porch because I LOVE you."
The first time I saw this movie, I liked it, but I thought it was a little... weird. The second time I saw it, I appreciated it a lot more. Now I have to say that I love this movie.
I think that Pixar can really make great movies. I love almost all of their movies so far. (I wasn't too keen on "A Bug's Life," but all the rest are great.) What is so amazing about "UP" is that it's good for all ages. Adults can get a lot out of it, even more than the kids. There is a lot of deep issues in the story-- love, death, disappointment, greed, family, letting go of earthly possessions... the list goes on and on! All in all, a good movie.
I just saw Up too. I LOVE Kevin! So cute! And, of course, my favorite part is when they meet Kevin. He is so adorable. And the story is unique, but that is Pixar for you.
"Do Snipes eat Chocalate?"
Have you seen the UP movie? Yup!
What was your favorite part? Probably the part where Russel smacks into the side of the bad guy's window... That made me laugh!
Did you like it?Yes, but it made me cry...
What did you think of it? It wa AWESOME!
Have a good time!
Thank you for all the comments everyone! I loved reading all of your favorite parts of UP! :) I agree with those who said: "It was a great movie for all ages".
p.s. it's so good to be back! =D
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