Yesterday was dad's lumbar puncture. Here is the e-mail my mom sent out yesterday (Monday) with information (of course I tweaked it a little to keep out personal information and I highlighted the important things):
"I just thought I'd let everyone know we survived the weekend, but we are both worn out so I threw in the towel and they admitted him to the Hospital today. They are also concerned because he keeps choking more and more. His symptoms have worsened a little each day. He basically talks, walks and thinks like a drunk person. He doesn't really have any weakness. He is just so uncoordinated and wobbly that he can't even sit up on his own. At least he is not been in any pain these past couple of days. They are really running him through the tests and doctor visits. He was admitted at 5:00 pm and by 8:00 pm three different doctors had already evaluated him. The first one said that he is a very interesting case and so we will be seeing a lot of doctors. I said, "That's good! That's why we're here." He had his 6th lumbar puncture today. They are hoping to do the bone marrow biopsy tomorrow as well as a swallow test and a thoracic MRI. Oh, I guess you would want to know that they found three lesions on his cervical spine (the bend in your neck basically). Therefore, they want to do the thoracic MRI to check the spine below that (between the shoulder blades). They say it still does not completely rule out the inflammatory diseases so they want to be very thorough before they give him the steroids this time.
As always, thank you for your prayers and for all that you have done for us. We pray that the Lord is using this situation to further His kingdom and bring glory to His Name. We also pray that you will have faith in the Lord, for without faith it is impossible to please Him. He does exist, and He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)"
As always, thank you for your prayers and for all that you have done for us. We pray that the Lord is using this situation to further His kingdom and bring glory to His Name. We also pray that you will have faith in the Lord, for without faith it is impossible to please Him. He does exist, and He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)"
Yes, it is true. Dad now has three lesions on his spine, and four in his brain. Yikes! Narthea and I prayed for them last night, and everytime I woke up last night, I prayed. I'm really hoping it's MS. Since his lesions are in his spine and brain, and there's so many, Narthea said that it's probably NOT Lymphoma. Thank goodness! That doesn't necessarily mean it ISN'T, that just means it most likely is not. Esara, Caldirwen, Narthea and I are doing okay. We miss mom and dad, but what can you do? Mom, if you're reading this, we love you and miss you a lot! Don't worry about us, we're all fine and getting along. No one has gotten in trouble... yet. :) Give daddy a kiss for me and tell him I love 'im! Oh and, mom, correct me if I said anything wrong in this post please (meaning: if I said something incorrect about dad's illness/dad/etc.). Love you!
Thank you readers/followers/blogging friends for your prayer! It means so much and I know I've already said this a bunch of times, but: Prayer Is Powerful!
~Eldarwen Failariel~
26 Greetings from Elven Friends
My whole family is praying for you!
Thank you Taylor! (((hugs)))
Prayer is Powerful... you can never say it too much! I've been thinking about y'all, and saying a lot of prayers too!!
~ Love and Hugs,
Lindsay <3
You're right, Lindsay! Thank you so much for the prayer! Love & hugs!
Praying for him! And for your family!
Thank you Nana! (((hugs)))
Extreme prayer from me.
My prayers are with you.
That should be someone's motto...prayer is powerful.
I'm praying for you!
I'm praying for y'all!!
Thank you, Olive, EchoOfMercy, Izori and Haley! (((hugs to you all))) :)
me too. i really hope you find out what it is and that he gets better soon. :)
I'll be praying!
Hope your Dad gets better!
My Sunday school class is praying for your dad. I really hope the doctors find out what it is!
My uncle has a problem like what your mom discribed in the email/post thing... talking like a drunk, uncoordnated and wobbly... that sort of stuff. He(my uncle) has PLS but I'm not sure if you get lesions on your spine and brain with that....
Any way my family and I will keep your family in our prayers.
In Christ,
Yes, I do too. :)
Thank you! Me, too!
Wow, thank you! =D I'll keep your Uncle in my prayers, also. :)
(((hugs to you all)))
Prayers are coming by the buckets from here! Blessings on your dad!
Oh, I'm so sorry about your father.
I'll be praying:]
I'm praying very hard for you and your family :)
You, your family and your dad are in my prayers!
Thank you, Libby, Milli, Samarah and Chloe! :) "Prayer is Powerful"! ;) (((hugs)))
Oh, it sounds like a tough time for you all! I'll pray for your family.
Kind o'. :/ Thank you bunches & bunches! (((hugs))) <3
I'm praying!!
Thank you, Rachel! (((hugs)))
Praying for your dad, and for y'all, whenever I think of it!
We have a friend who was recently diagnosed with MS, and he's very close to our family, so I know (sorta) how y'all are feeling.
Praying praying praying!
Thank you, Jo! Yes, it's hard, huh? It's never easy when a loved one is ill. Prayer Is Powerful! :D
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