Early this morning my parents went to another doctors appointment, so Narthea, Esara, Caldirwen and I have had a good "sister day". First, we did all our chores and cleaned the kitchen, morning room and dining room. Then, we vacuumed, mopped, swept, etc. After working, we decided to poke through some old pictures of us when we were little. We looked at pics from our first Christmas together ('03). Then, we looked at the rest of the Christmases we've had together. It was a lot of fun! We watched videos and laughed. We were talking about "remember when 'blah' did 'this'" or "'blah' did 'that'". It was sooo much fun! We picked a new picture for our school room computer background. It's one from '06, but we haven't taken any "sister pictures" at Christmas since then. After pokin' through pics, we made lunch. Chicken Salad. Yum! Now, we're going to watch Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer together while drinking hot chocolate.

~Eldarwen Failariel~
2 Greetings from Elven Friends
That is sounds so FUN!! Earwen and I did that once. Only I messed the Hot chocolate so bad. I read the recipe wrong and added egg whites to the recipe!!! =D What a flop. =D
God Bless You And Your Family,
Oh, that sounds like fun, Eldarwen!
What a sweet picture, indeed. ;)
I just love Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer!
~ Blessings,
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