Saturday, December 12, 2009


The babysitting went great! They were very well behaved kids. The youngest was very quiet and she's two years old. She still sucks on a pacifier, so that sort o' helps. :) The five year old was a little high strung. She was always busy, busy, busy. She kept asking, "What are we gonna do now?" It reminded me a lot of Caldirwen. :) The seven year old was really quiet. Not shy, just quiet. She would talk, but it was a quiet voice, not a loud one. The oldest, who's ten years old was very mature. She helped out a lot. When we made lunch for them (all we did was warm up pizza in the microwave for the ones that wanted it warm) she got the plates, and the pizza. She was more than willing to help and it was great! :) When Narthea and I first arrived the mother told us what to make for lunch and what they had to drink. She told us their names again and introduced us, then was on her way. The kids were watching Jack Frost (the original movie), so Narthea and I sat down on the couch and talked with the oldest. Then, after about an hour and a half of talking, the oldest suggested playing Mario Cart Wii, so we did for about 30 minutes. After playing Wii the five year old kept saying, "We should play. What should we play?" So I suggested hide-and-go-seek. They were very excited about that. We played that for about 30 minutes, then we fixed their pizza for them. They ate for about 30 minutes, then we played hide-and-go-seek again until their mom got there. We were there a little over 3 hours. It was nice and I do not have a headache! Yippee! :) Well, I just thought I'd share an update with y'all. Tonight is our first Christmas Drama performance for our church. I'm a little nervous, but I shouldn't be. I know what I'm supposed to do, I guess it's just... stage fright. :) Although, it's outside, so there's no stage. We actually have a huge stable sort of thing that the men in our church built to be a prayer garden with plants, benches, etc., so every year for the drama we use it as the stable. Well, I guess that's all.

~Eldarwen Failariel~

3 Greetings from Elven Friends

His Handmaidens said... 1

Outside? won't you be cold?

Eldarwen said... 2

Hehe, yes, I will be cold, but I have three pairs of pants on (actually, they're all tights) and two shirts, then my white, silk costume goes on over those, along with my big wings and halo. :)


Haley said... 3

You'll do great, Eldarwen! I'm glad to hear that the baysititng went well! The kids sound really cute! :)

Much love,