Remember, Thanksgiving isn't just about eating tons of food and watching a football game. It's about giving thanks. Thank God for all the things He's blessed you with. When you sit around the table, look around, thank God for all the people around you. No, not just the cousins you like to hang out with, everyone. I would just like to encourage you today to take some time just to talk to God and thank Him. He is a mighty God and He deserves praise and all Glory. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our food, friends, family, presents, computers that we forget to thank Him. So, today of all days, let's make sure that we don't forget. :) I thank God right now for all my wonderful blogger friends! You're all so wonderful and you encourage me in my faith and [also] to do more than I ever thought I could before (no Olive, I haven't figured out how to get buttons on my menu bar, yet LOL =D !). Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! Love & hugs from your friend,
~Eldarwen Failariel~
7 Greetings from Elven Friends
Eldarwen, thanks for reminding us about Thanksgiving! It's really sad how most people think Thanksgiving is just another holiday to get to see friend's and eat. I intend to give God all the thanks I can give him!
Hayley: Yes, it is sad, but I'm thankful I've been taught that God is the reason we celebrate these wonderful Holidays. :) Have a good Thanksgiving!
Love & hugs,
I LOVE Thanksgiving. We absolutely have so much to be thankful for! You have a great thanksgiving too! :)
Luv ya,
Happy Thanksgiving, Eldarwen! I hope you and your family have a blessed day. :)
~ Love,
Chloe: Yes, we do have so much to be thankful for! :) Luv ya, too!
Lindsay: We had a very blessed Thanksgiving, thank you! :)
Love & hugs,
Happy Thanksgiving, Eldarwen! And to everyone else, for that matter. And I intend to thank God. :)
That is a good reminder. =D
God Bless You And Your Family,
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