Here's the pics of my new haircut! I love it! Although, since my hair is so light and thin you can't really see my layers. :/ Oh well! And, I guess you can obviously tell I'm sitting in front of our living room fireplace. It doesn't keep you warm in the winter unless you're sitting in the living room. My room gets the coldest out of all the rooms in the house because it's on the end of the house and it's secluded from every other room, so it gets really cold in there in the Winter!
~Eldarwen Failariel~
16 Greetings from Elven Friends
very nice!!
I love it! Do you mean that your hair was longer than that?! Wow!
Thank you!
Thanks! Yes, my hair was about 2 inches longer before I got it cut this time. Earlier on this year it was down past my elbows. :)
Love it! My hair is really long too, but it's really really thick and harder to manage
Lovely! That's like what I wanted... but the lady gave me hair that is, well umm, short.
Anyhow, very pretty!
Pretty! You have gorgeous hair, I'm soo jealous LOL! I recently got a similar cut (my hair was waist-length). But I have a TON- and I mean TON- of layers, even like on top. My hair is naturally wavy/curly (it can't seem to decide) so it looks really cool and styled when really all I do is let it air-dry. I have side bangs and I straighten those just to get them a little more out of the way but I love my hair in its new cut. =)
Looks wonderful!
Very pretty! I love it! :)
I awarded you!
just so you know check it out
~ Milisande
Thank you all for the lovely and sweet comments! :)
Ok, thanks! I'll come on over and check it out! :D
I LIKE IT SO MUCH!!!! =D It looks so straight and even! =D
Thank you very much! :) <3
God bless you & your family,
My hair is about that color, only thick and wavy.( such a pain) What color do you think your hair is? I mean, I think my hair is brown and my parents think it is blondish with reddish highlights. Anyway, that's a very nice haircut. I wish my hair was that straight.
My hair is blond, but it gets darker in the winter. During the summer when I'm outside more (and the sun is shining) it lightens up. I guess you could say the sun bleaches my hair. :) Yes, a lot of people like how straight my hair is. What you see in the picture is all natural. I have never colored my hair or straightened it. I love my hair just the way it is. One of my friends keeps sayin she's going to dye her hair, but I wish she'd keep it the way it is! :) Thanks, Taylor! <3
Yeah, the sun bleaches out my hair too. In summer, it is pretty much blonde. If I brush it when it is still wet from my shower, it comes out pretty straight. Sometimes. I have very strange hair.
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